Who We Are
Meet Our Team

Heather Meylian
Executive Director
I have grown up all over Southern Louisiana and settled in Carencro with my husband, graduating from ULL with a degree in Early Childhood Education. Geaux Cajuns! I have three biological children and multiple bonus kids from our years of fostering who still like come to hang out after they have been reunified with their family or adopted into other homes. Foster the Love has been a part of me since it’s inception in 2018. I first began a founding board member, then as a volunteer, and recently as Chapter Director for a few months. While volunteering for Foster the Love, I worked as a foster parent partner with The Extra Mile. I take pride in sharing how Foster the Love has helped so many families and children involved in the foster system and the community that has formed because of it.
Likes: College sports, quiet time, adventures
Dislikes: Lafayette traffic (though I love the people and the city), Technology
If you could choose any super power, what would it be? To know the right thing to say every time. (Goodbye awkward conversations!)

Casey Saucier
Lafayette Chapter Director
I am from Carencro, Louisiana and have been married almost 20 years. We have twin boys that we adopted through foster care. I love taking my boys on adventures and watching them experience new things. We fostered several littles during our three years as foster parents and had the chance to be a part of some beautiful reunifications. Foster the Love provided us with needed material items during our foster journey but most importantly provided me with a support system. I have made lifelong friends through support group meetings and volunteering with the FTL. I am grateful to be a part of an organization that cares so much for the foster community.
Likes: Dr Pepper, Being outdoors
Dislikes: Roller coasters
If you could choose any super power, what would it be? The ability to go back in time and re-experience moments.

Ryan Fanguy
Terrebonne Chapter Director
Board Members

Julie LaFleur
Board President
I have been married for 30 yrs., I have 3 children and 1 granddaughter. I worked for over 20 yrs. in the social service field and have recently started a job with a financial institution in Financial Education and Counseling. I have 2 undergraduate degrees from UL Lafayette and a paralegal certificate. I have enjoyed volunteering with many nonprofit organizations over the years and I believe in assisting children and foster families in any way that we can.
Likes: Fried shrimp, crafting and creating things.
Dislikes: Coffee
If you could choose any super power, what would it be? To fly everywhere so I wouldn’t have to drive and could just fly over and get to where I want to go quicker.

Gretchen Cormier
Hi, I am Gretchen Cormier. I am from Crowley, LA and married to Kevin Cormier. We have three children together, Anne Katherine (23), Hannah (19) and Phillip Cormier (12). We also have one grandchild, Ellis (1), who we absolutely adore. I work for the Department of Children and Family Services and have been with the agency for 8 years. I have worked in the capacity of a foster care worker and now I am in home development. I get the opportunity to recruit, train and the best part, to get to know many amazing foster parents that support and love foster children. I like being a part of their journey and supporting them while they help children that need a safe and nurturing home. Since day one, I have been a supporter of Foster the Love Louisiana because its mission holds a special place to me. Since their opening, FTL has helped to fill in the gaps, and provide services and resources to enhance a child’s experience in foster care. They have been a tremendous asset to our region.
Likes: Coffee, chocolate, cats and crawfish.
Dislikes: Snakes, boring zoom meetings and calls about my auto insurance warranty expiring.
If you could choose any super power, what would it be? To allow others to feel how much I care about them without using words.

Landry Carbo
I am born and raised in Louisiana. However, once I turned 18 I lived in 5 different states and 4 different countries. After a few years bouncing around with the oil industry, I took a position with my family’s utility construction business where I assist in the financial and purchasing aspects of the company. Foster the Love appealed to me as a way to not only give back to the community I was raised in but help out an often overlooked area. After volunteering a few times, I could see what a wonderful charity FTL is and knew I wanted to be more involved.
Likes: I love to travel, play rugby and scuba dive.
Dislikes: I dislike clowns and mayo.
If you could choose any super power, what would it be? Teleportation.

April Guillory
Board Member
I am a Lafayette native, married for 13 years to my best friend, Robert, and mother to three beautiful children: Aiden, Amelia, and Abraham. I’m a graduate of UL with a Bachelors in Fine Art and am the Owner/Operator of a local interior design and construction firm. I love strange food, making things, and, more than anything, family. I have this deep and expanding heart towards fostering and am thrilled to contribute my strengths to the benefit of such a worthwhile mission.
Likes: COFFEE.
Dislikes: Nuts in icecream, whining, and traffic.
If you could choose any super power, what would it be? I’d control time, there’s never enough.

Tyrone Bufkin
Board Member
Hello! My wife and I are honored to be foster parents. We’ve been married since 2015 and both feel a call to care for children in need. Professionally, I am a Life and Business Investor. I help career, start-up, and small business entrepreneurs to achieve life & business results through purpose, applied knowledge, and mutually beneficial connections. I love helping people to live the lives they truly deserve. Personally, when I was a young adult I was helped by an organization similar to Foster the Love. Instead of being forgotten, type-casted, and unloved, I was encouraged to start my first business at 15 years old. I’m so excited to be able to return the favor and be even the smallest asset to any and all those within the foster system.

John Romero
Board Member
Hey everyone, I’m John romero and I’m married to Ashley. Together we have one child named Stella. I’m a pharmacist and I enjoy real estate investing on the side. A lot of my free time is spent growing food for my family but I hope to one day grow food to donate to people in need. I became interested in Foster the Love when I was made aware of their appeal for funding. Through that process I have grown to love the mission and I have hopes to further the successes.
Likes: Homesteading, Golf, Tennis, Saltwater fishing, Travel, Hiking.
Dislikes: Using windshield wipers without rain.
If you could choose any super power, what would it be? TThe power to fly. Who doesn’t want to arrive faster?

Jeremy Trahan
Board Member
Volunteer Staff

Emily Guidry
Event Coordinator

Brooke Willborn
Volunteer Coordinator

Stacey Vincent
Merchandise & Marketing