Gathering In Support of Our Youth

The Open Table Model

The Open Table model demonstrates how a trained, structured, collaborative approach can energize the relational and social capital in communities to provide a continuum of support and transform lives. Through an understanding of the inexhaustible resources of relational and social capital, the community can move from a scarcity perspective to one of abundance.

In the central Open Table model, through a “Table” individuals are trained to use their vast relational capital and social networks (Open Table has named them Relational Assets) to impact the social determinants of health for an individual or family. A group of volunteers forms a “Table,” guided by a “life plan” that outlines goals defined by and specific to individuals and families requesting assistance. Over the course of a year, Open Table volunteers meet on a weekly basis to work with the person or family seeking support to create positive change. The Table model operates with a theory of change, evidence base, online training and fidelity tools (funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services administration – SAMHSA, foundations, faith communities and others).